• Video Editor • Videographer • Motion Graphics Designer • Animator • Type Beat Producer

I Am An Editor, Videographer, GFX Designer As Well As A New Learning Music Producer. I Enjoy Bring Peoples Visions To Life With The Work I Create.
I Have Been Trained In Using All Adobe Suite Products and I Use Software's Such As Premiere Pro, After Effects. To Edit And Create Effects For My Videos. Premiere Pro Is My Editing Software In What I Will Uses To Edit And Bring Your Video Together. After Effects Is The Software I Uses To Enhance Your Video Further By Adding Cool Interesting Effects That Can Grab The Attention Of Your Audience.
I'm Always Trying To Further Improve The Content I Produce By Learning New Skills That Could Benefit In Making The Content More Enjoyable For Viewers. As Well As Too Keep The Content I Produce Looking Fresh And New. I Do This Through Learning Different Effects To Learning Different Theory's, Like The Basic Rule Of Thirds To Make The Video More Appealing For Your Audience.

You would obtain a hard-working employee that is passionate in what he does, that is always looking for areas in where he can develop and learn to push himself further, that will lead you to obtain an employee that will constantly be evolving and developing what he can bring to the job, giving you more creative opportunities in having your creative thoughts come to life no matter the scale. You also obtain a great communicator and problem solver that can handle, whatever issues are faced on a project. Having advance tech understanding to fix practical and software related issues to keep the pacing of the work going on the job. By problem solving I always have multiple ways of fixing an issue giving me multiple solutions to go to, meaning issues can be resolved quicker and you save time and money which means more quality in the final product. So, is this what you need ? If so contact me and I will start work on bringing your thoughts and visions to life.