YouTube Thumbnails are very important on the platform, as this is where you need to target your audience demographic and make the video appeal to there interest, as you are competing with many other creators videos who also want that potential viewer to watch their own content. There are many Techniques that can help to make a Thumbnail stand out to a viewer and help boost the likely hood on them clicking on the video. The Top viewed videos on the platform are likely to implement many of these techniques and these techniques can make a difference of you obtaining views on a video and a video not performing. If your video is not standing out, your potential audience will not see the video.
We are able to provide you custom thumbnails that directly targets your target audience, and uses specialized techniques that can help obtain a wide audience attention. We uses techniques such as Colour Theory, Rule Of Thirds, Lines Of Separation, Positive Negative Space to make the Thumbnail visually pleasing. We help creators and guide them on titles that Interest but also make the viewer think about the video.
Every Video is unique as there is many styles of content, we will match the Thumbnail to fit with your style of content and genre as its important that we showcase your unique Brand Or Creator personality within the Thumbnails. So you audience can identify your videos visually. We always advancing the skills and following the important changes and shifts in Trends to make sure your videos look up to date.