A invisible cut is used to create an illusion of a single take has been used as the cut between the two takes are hidden to create a smooth fluid take.
A way of hiding these cuts can be behind objects that block the camera within a shot like walking past a pillar or tree. The cut will be when the pillar takes up the frame of the shot u then continue the motion.
Another technique used is to hide a cut within a wip pan, an example of this can be seen within this is America the music video is meant to look like it was taken as a all one take, however it uses the invisible cuts to help create this illusion as the pan is happening with the camera there is a cut between the end and the the motion continues within the second take at the start then u can easily add the cut between the end of the first take and the have the beginning be placed on top. For the wip pan its important to have motion blur or add some additional blur to the wip as this can help hide the cut to make the transition appear more seamless.