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Should I Learn Copyright Before Editing
Introduction YouTube is a great place to share your videos with the world, but you need to be careful about what you post. If you want to...
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What is the difference between cropping and resizing in photo editing?
Introduction This tutorial will show you how to crop and resize your photos. What is the difference between cropping and resizing in...

Starting YouTube content creation: what cameras should you consider?
Introduction YouTube is the world's largest video platform and it's growing rapidly. It now has over 1 billion active users and more than...
Parallel Editing Cut
This is where two or even more different scenes are occurring simultaneously at once. The paralleled editing is used to show what is...
The Purpose Of Editing
The purpose of editing is to be able to take your audience and viewer on a journey. They do this by the use of storytelling and creating...
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Contrast Cut
A cut that juxtaposes (contrasts) the previous shot, the contrast between each of the shots has to be different that there is a clear...
Invisible Cut
A invisible cut is used to create an illusion of a single take has been used as the cut between the two takes are hidden to create a...
Value In Photography
Value in photography describes the range of light in your image. Altering the light in a photo is how you create contrast. Let’s explore...
The Golden Triangle
Why use the golden triangle composition in photography? You won’t go far wrong if you keep things to the main subject, with a simple...
The Vanishing Point
Most prize-winning photographs have one thing in common: the images have depth. Instead of being two-dimensional, a photo with depth has...
The PHI Grid
The phi grid is another way to visualize the golden ratio. Rectangles can be superimposed over an image in a grid based on the 1:1.618...
Golden Ratio
The Golden Ratio is a commonly discussed aesthetic concept in photography. This term refers to a spiral, similar in shape to a nautilus...

Centered Composition and Symmetry
What is Centered Composition and Symmetry ? Centered Composition and Symmetry means placing your subject at the center of the frame, such...
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Hyperlapse Photography
Hyperlapse Photography Being able to composite the shots afterwards using software like Photoshop is really useful, but the initial shots...
Zoom Burst Photography
Zoom Burst Photography All you need is a camera with a zoom lens. It’s best to have stationary subject for zoom bursts and your camera on...
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High and Low Key Photo Light Levels
Let’s start off nice and simple with some clear mnemonics. OK so think of high key lighting needing a HIGH light. Think about the highest...
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Negative Space
Negative space photography is related to minimalist photography. It emphasises not just the subject, but the empty space around the...
Leading Lines
Leading lines refer to lines that lead the viewer’s eye from one part of a composition to another. Usually, these lines start at the...
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