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Projection Mapping A 3D Scene

This effect showcases the effect of projection mapping a 3d scene that was used to create a more enhanced shot for my greenscreen footage. The projection map was used to create depth within the scene, to create more immersion for the viewer and by having the greenscreen footage placed within a 3D depth it meant I could create a more visually appealing shot that blends the greenscreen footage of me running. The camera work was detail to help create more of the illusion that I was running within the video and helps attract the audience’s attention to certain areas of the shot. Such as the shoe which was an area of main focus by moving the audience’s eyes away from certain places. (This was done with utilizing the Rule of Thirds). I was able to create a shot that looks like I was moving with the scene in sync.

So why Uses Projection Mapping? Projection mapping Can Help create unique looking scenes and is used to create unnatural or scenes that u may have not got the budget or the resource in real world to create. Projection mapping is an alternative u can use to be in a different place. By Utilizing greenscreen with projection mapping and 3d space u can improve normal greenscreen effects, as your creating more immersion within the 3D Scene for your audience.

This effect was created within After Effects, the scene was all created from scratch, and the only footage used was the greenscreen footage captured of me running on the spot.


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